First of all I'd like to say hello to anyone that is visiting this blog for the first time. I've had this blogger URL for several years now but I only recently got around to posting actual blog posts related to world community grid and folding@home and the valuable research they do. When I first set up this blog many years I had planned on giving away bluray movies and related movie merchandise but as time went by I realized I might run into a few problems doing this. I also had some financial issues that made me have to sell my whole movie collection.
These days I have another blog project where I am dealing more with sports related items. In these contests you will be able to get football, baseball and basketball cards as well as other items like signed gear and pure silver commemorative coins. Cards For Good is the name of that blog.
So I'm changing gears for this blog. I will still be using it as a support blog for my contest activities but its primary use will be to explain how the world community grid and folding@home projects work and to give updates on finished research. In the future I will have other blogs that give different things away and they will each have a different readerships and pull a variety of users to the projects. This blog will tie everything together and act as a sort of hub for all those blogs and my social media sites.
In addition many of the actual contests will be hosted on this blog. Sometimes they will be through my youtube channel and sometimes through my facebook fanpage. Some of them might be directly run on this blog. No matter how they are run you will find out about them through a secondary blog like cards for good through a link to this blog as well as front page posts on this blog. Just follow all the blogs in my profile and you'll be in the right position to know whats going on when there is a contest being launched.
To get started you will need these two links.
This is a link to download and run WCG
Then just join team Endthedisease through this link.
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